REXframe Website
This website is owned and operated by REXframe®
Registered Office
Los Angeles distribution centre
24844 Anza Dr, Unit C
Valencia CA 91355
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The contents of this website, including, the layout, the structure, the images, the pictures, the animations, logos,
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Limitations and exclusions of liability
The information on this website is general in nature. The information is not adjusted in any way
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REXframe will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature caused directly or
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Limited Warranties
REXframe does not warrant or represent the completeness or accuracy of the information published on this website.
REXframe does not warrant that the website and/or any service on the website will remain available.
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To the extent that any provision of this disclaimer is deemed unenforceable and/or unlawful,
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REXframe may revise this disclaimer from time to time. The revised disclaimer shall apply to the use
of this website from the time of the publication of the revised disclaimer on the website.
Law and jurisdiction
This disclaimer shall be governed by American law. Any disputes related to this disclaimer shall be
subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of California.